Redis Queue

A utility class that utilizes Pickle serialization by default to store and retrieve arbitrary sets of data in Redis. You may use another encoding mechanism as long as it supports both dumps() and loads() methods. The queues come in three basic forms:

  • RedisQueue - A FIFO queue utilizing a Redis List
  • RedisStack - A Stack implementation utilizing a Redis List
  • RedisPriorityQueue - A Priority Queue utilizing a Redis Sorted Set. This is the queue utilized by the scheduler for prioritized crawls

All three of these classes can handle arbitrary sets of data, and handle the encoding and decoding for you.

class RedisQueue(server, key, encoding=pickle)
  • server – The established redis connection
  • key – The key to use in Redis to store your data
  • encoding – The serialization module to use

Pushes an item into the Queue

Parameters:item – The item to insert into the Queue

Removes and returns an item from the Queue

Parameters:timeout (int) – If greater than 0, use the Redis blocking pop method for the specified timeout.
Returns:None if no object can be found, otherwise returns the object.

Removes all data in the Queue.


Get the number of items in the Queue.

Returns:The number of items in the RedisQueue
class RedisStack(server, key, encoding=pickle)
  • server – The established redis connection
  • key – The key to use in Redis to store your data
  • encoding – The serialization module to use

Pushes an item into the Stack

Parameters:item – The item to insert into the Stack

Removes and returns an item from the Stack

Parameters:timeout (int) – If greater than 0, use the Redis blocking pop method for the specified timeout.
Returns:None if no object can be found, otherwise returns the object.

Removes all data in the Stack.


Get the number of items in the Stack.

Returns:The number of items in the RedisStack
class RedisPriorityQueue(server, key, encoding=pickle)
  • server – The established redis connection
  • key – The key to use in Redis to store your data
  • encoding – The serialization module to use
push(item, priority)

Pushes an item into the PriorityQueue

  • item – The item to insert into the Priority Queue
  • priority (int) – The priority of the item. Higher numbered items take precedence over lower priority items.



Removes and returns an item from the PriorityQueue

Parameters:timeout (int) – Not used
Returns:None if no object can be found, otherwise returns the object.

Removes all data in the PriorityQueue.


Get the number of items in the PriorityQueue.

Returns:The number of items in the RedisPriorityQueue


You can use any of the three classes in the following way, you just need to have a valid Redis connection variable.

>>> import redis
>>> import ujson
>>> from scutils.redis_queue import RedisStack
>>> redis_conn = redis.Redis(host='scdev', port=6379, password=None, decode_responses=True)
>>> queue = RedisStack(redis_conn, "stack_key", encoding=ujson))
>>> queue.push('item1')
>>> queue.push(['my', 'array', 'here'])
>>> queue.pop()
[u'my', u'array', u'here']
>>> queue.pop()

In the above example, we now have a host at scdev that is using the key called stack_key to store our data encoded using the ujson module.


In this example lets create a simple script that changes what type of Queue we use when pushing three items into it.

import sys
import redis
from scutils.redis_queue import RedisStack, RedisQueue, RedisPriorityQueue
import argparse

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example Redis Queues.')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--redis-host', action='store', default='scdev',
                        help="The Redis host ip")
    parser.add_argument('-rp', '--redis-port', action='store', default='6379',
                        help="The Redis port")
    parser.add_argument('-rP', '--redis-password', action='store', default=None,
                        help="The Redis password")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    group.add_argument('-q', '--queue', action='store_true', help="Use a RedisQueue")
    group.add_argument('-s', '--stack', action='store_true',
                        help="Use a RedisStack")
    group.add_argument('-p', '--priority', action='store_true',
                        help="Use a RedisPriorityQueue")

    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    host = args['redis_host']
    port = args['redis_port']
    password = args['redis_password']
    redis_conn = redis.Redis(host=host, port=port, password=password, decode_responses=True)

    if args['queue']:
        queue = RedisQueue(redis_conn, "my_key")
    elif args['stack']:
        queue = RedisStack(redis_conn, "my_key")
    elif args['priority']:
        queue = RedisPriorityQueue(redis_conn, "my_key")

    print("Using " + queue.__class__.__name__)

    if isinstance(queue, RedisPriorityQueue):
        queue.push("item1", 50)
        queue.push("item2", 100)
        queue.push("item3", 20)

    print("Pop 1 " + queue.pop())
    print("Pop 2 " + queue.pop())
    print("Pop 3 " + queue.pop())

if __name__ == "__main__":

Save the file as or use the one located at utils/examples/, and now lets run the different tests.

As a queue:

$ python -q
Using RedisQueue
Pop 1 item1
Pop 2 item2
Pop 3 item3

As a stack:

$ python -s
Using RedisStack
Pop 1 item3
Pop 2 item2
Pop 3 item1

As a priority queue:

$ python -p
Using RedisPriorityQueue
Pop 1 item2
Pop 2 item1
Pop 3 item3

The great thing about these Queue classes is that if your process dies, your data still remains in Redis! This allows you to restart your process and it can continue where it left off.